- Sun Exposure: Refrain from prolonged sun exposure, tanning and spray tanning for at least two weeks leading up to your appointment.
- Skincare: Discontinue the use of retinoids, glycolic acids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and other active skincare ingredients one week prior to your scheduled treatment.
- Hair Preparation: Shave or trim any hair in the treatment area to promote optimal laser penetration and results.
- Medical History: If you have any history of cold sores, please let us know as soon as possible so we may prescribe Valtrex for you to take prior and after your procedure.
- Aerolase
- Aerolase & Microneedling
- Botox
- Filler
- Hydrafacials
- Sculptra
- Laser Hair Removal
- Microneedling
- PRF Hair
Aerolase Pre-Care
On the Day of Your Appointment:
- Skin Preparation: Remove any sunless tanner, makeup, tinted sunscreen, regular sunscreen, or moisturizers from the treated area. Residues from these products can interfere with laser energy absorption and may cause discomfort.
- Facial Piercings: Kindly remove any facial piercings before your appointment.
Post-Care Instructions
- Downtime: You may apply sunscreen 15 minutes post-treatment. With the laser, there is no peeling, and you can apply makeup on the same day. Patients may experience temporary redness, slight swelling, or a warm sensation. Should redness occur, it typically resolves within a few hours. The procedure has minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities.
- Sun Protection: It’s important to shield the treated area from direct sunlight and consistently apply a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Avoid prolonged sun exposure or tanning beds for at least one week post-treatment to protect your skin’s health and the longevity of the results.
- Skincare: Integrating a medical-grade skincare routine can enhance and maximize the results of your treatment. Start your products like retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or scrubs to face 48-72 hours post treatment. We recommend JASI SKIN VITAMIN CE GREEN TEA RADIANCE SERUM ( 20% vitamin C), RESURFACE RX (retinol) and CRYSTAL CLEAR MINERAL SPF. These products help protect the skin from sun damage but also stimulates collagen production and encourages cellular turnover.
- Treatment Schedule: For optimal results, follow the recommended treatment schedule of sessions every 4 weeks.
Aerolase & Microneedling Pre-Care
- Sun Exposure: Refrain from prolonged sun exposure, tanning and spray tanning for at least two weeks leading up to your appointment.
- Skincare: Discontinue the use of retinoids, glycolic acids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and other active skincare ingredients one week before your scheduled treatment.
- Hair Preparation: Shave or trim any hair in the treatment area to promote optimal laser penetration and results.
- Medical History: If you have any history of cold sores, please let us know as soon as possible so we may prescribe Valtrex for you to take prior and after your procedure.
- Skin Condition: Ensure you don’t have any active breakouts for your microneedling treatment.
- Dermal Fillers: Do not have any dermal fillers placed in the last 6 weeks. Schedule your dermal filler appointment 2 weeks after the microneedling session.
On the Day of Your Appointment:
- Skin Preparation: Remove any sunless tanner, makeup, tinted sunscreen, regular sunscreen, or moisturizers from the treated area. Residues from these products can interfere with laser energy absorption and may cause discomfort.
- Facial Piercings: Kindly remove any facial piercings before your appointment.
- Nutrition: To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, have a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure.
- Medical History: Please inform the provider if you have a history of fainting.
Aerolase & Microneedling Post-Care:
- Downtime: Immediately after your treatment, you may look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn. Your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual or slightly swollen. All of this is normal and should subside after 1-2 hours, typically diminishing within 24 hours. Slight redness may persist after 24 hours. Dryness, flaky skin, tightness, and peeling are all normal. Peeling typically starts on the 3rd day and can last for about 5 days. Downtime is about 5 days but plan at least 2 weeks before an important event.
- Skincare first 24 hours: Only use the gel we provided or JASI SKIN Recovery Serum during the first 24 hours.
- Skincare after 24 hours: You may use a gentle cleanser and a gentle moisturizer like JASI SKIN Hydraglow Moisturizer. Do not use any active ingredients at this time.
- Sun Protection: Consistently apply a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Avoid prolonged sun exposure or tanning beds for at least one week.
- Hygiene: Keep your face as clean as possible for the first 48 hours (clean hands, clean pillowcase, keep hair off your face).
- Activities: Avoid sweaty exercise, strenuous activity, and sun exposure for 3 days after treatment.
- Skincare one week post treatment: Integrating a medical-grade skincare routine will enhance and maximize the results. Start your retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or scrubs to face a week post-treatment. We recommend JASI SKIN products that will help protect the skin from sun damage but also stimulate collagen production and encourage cellular turnover.
- Makeup: Makeup may be applied after 48 hours, once the channels have closed.
- Treatment Schedule: For optimal results, follow the recommended treatment schedule of sessions every 4- 6 weeks.
Botox Pre-Care
- Avoid blood thinners for 5-7 days prior unless medically necessary (aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, alcohol, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, garlic) Taking these supplements will increase risk for bruising.
- Remove makeup before your Session
- Eat and hydrate
- Do not plan your Botox session before an upcoming event. Plan to schedule your
appointment one month before an important event. - To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, ensure you have had a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure. Please warn the provider if you have a history of fainting
Botox Post-Care
- Bruising is not likely but can happen plan your appointment accordingly
- No lying down flat for at least 4 hours
- No massage for 48 hours
- No baseball caps for 24 hours
- No saunas for 24 hours
- No exercise for at least 4 hours
- Do not rub the area for 48 hours
- Injection marks will subside after about 15 minutes
- Apply ice if needed
- No makeup in the areas that were injected for 24 hours.
- Wait 2 weeks to see full results
- Schedule follow up appointment 2 weeks afterwards if you’d like a dosage adjustment
Filler Pre-Care
- Avoid blood thinners for 5-7 days before the procedure unless medically necessary. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, and alcohol.
- Tylenol is okay for pain relief if needed.
- Please arrive without any makeup or tinted sunscreen applied to the treated area.
- Make sure to eat a meal and stay hydrated before your appointment. This can help reduce the likelihood of feeling lightheaded during your treatment. Additionally, please inform the provider if you have a history of lightheadedness or fainting.
- Consider taking arnica tablets or consuming pineapple 5 to 7 days before your appointment to help prevent bruising. Arnica tablets are available for purchase at Whole Foods.
- Avoid scheduling your filler session just before an important event. Instead, plan to schedule your appointment at least two weeks to one month in advance.
- Schedule a dentist appointment two weeks before or 6 weeks after the filler appointment. The product is moldable for about a month.
- Bring your questions!
Filler Post-Care
- Expect redness, bruising, and swelling, which are normal.
- Bruising and swelling usually last about two weeks.
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours and apply ice for the first 24-48 hours.
- Refrain from vigorous exercise for 48 hours, longer if bruising or swelling is severe.
- Avoid saunas, spicy/salty foods, and blood thinners for optimal healing.
- Avoid blood thinners for 5-7 days after (aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, alcohol for 3-5 days after).
- Tylenol is okay for pain relief if needed.
- Use Arnica tablets and gel for healing, available at the clinic or Whole Foods. Pineapple consumption may also help.
- Avoid applying pressure as the product remains moldable for up to a month, especially in the few weeks.
- Sleep on your back during the first week to reduce swelling.
- Avoid gua sha, ice rolling, facials, massages, and at-home facial devices for six weeks.
- Expect bumps/lumps as part of the healing process; full integration of filler takes 6-8 weeks.
- Asymmetry is normal during healing; one side may swell more than the other.
- Wait 6-8 weeks before scheduling another filler appointment.
- If swelling increases after initial swelling, continue icing, take arnica and eat pineapple. You may also take Benadryl or Claritin.
- Contact the clinic if experiencing extreme pain, vision issues, fever, unusual bruising patterns, or skin blanching.
Pre Care Instructions for Hydrafacials:
Preparation Before Treatment: Sun Exposure: Refrain from prolonged sun exposure, tanning and spray tanning for at least two weeks leading up to your appointment.
Skincare: Discontinue the use of retinoids, glycolic acids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and other active skincare ingredients one week prior to your scheduled treatment.
Medical History: If you have any history of cold sores, please let us know as soon as possible so we may prescribe Valtrex for you to take prior and after your procedure.
On the Day of Your Appointment:
Skin Preparation: Remove any sunless tanner, makeup, tinted sunscreen, regular sunscreen, or moisturizers from the treated area. Residues from these products can interfere with laser energy absorption and may cause discomfort.
Hair preparation: Hair should be pulled back off the face. (Headband is preferred.)
Hydration: 5-7 days before your appointment please start drinking at least 72 oz of water per day. Drinking plenty of water before your Hydrafacial is important to flush out all toxins.
Hydrafacial Post Care:
You may experience temporary irritation, tightness, or redness. These are normal reactions that typically resolve within 72 hours depending on skin sensitivity. You will likely see results immediately after treatment. Your skin will feel smooth and hydrated for 1-4 weeks.
For longer lasting results, consider products from our medical grade skincare line Jasi available for purchase in clinic and monthly hydrafacial treatments.
- Avoid extra sun exposure and heat including tanning beds for at least 72 hours after the treatment. The treatment area is more susceptible to sunburn, sun damage and hyperpigmentation.
- For 48 hours please do not use topical Retin-A or generic tretinoin, Do not wax or use depilatories.
- No use any exfoliating treatments, ex: glycolic acid or enzymes.
- No over-the-counter acne medications, ex: benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
- No medium or deep chemical peels or laser treatments for at least 2 weeks after your facial treatment. Wait 24 hours after your treatment to apply makeup.
- Don’t pick at your skin. Flaking skin is a natural process and often follows deep cleansing. As the surface layer sloughs off, it reveals your new skin.
- Hands off. Don’t pop any whiteheads or blackheads that emerge while your skin is still detoxifying.
Recommended skin products after your treatment:
- The morning after the treatment, only wash your face with Jasi Pure Cleanse. This is because some over-the-counter facial washes can damage your skin barrier post treatment.
- Apply Jasi Recovery Serum daily AM and PM followed by Jasi Hydroglow Moisturizer
- Apply the Jasi SPF daily. Reapply throughout the day as needed.
Sculptra Pre-Care
- Avoid blood thinners for 5-7 days prior unless medically necessary (aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, alcohol)
- Remove makeup before your appointment
- Eat, and hydrate prior to your appointment
- Take arnica tablets/eat or drink pineapple 5 to 7 days prior to help prevent bruising.
Arnica can be purchased at Whole Foods. - Do not plan your filler session just before an upcoming event! Plan to schedule your appointment a month in advance for an important event ex:wedding.
- Schedule dentist appointment two weeks prior or a month after filler appointment.
Product is moldable for a month. - To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, ensure you have had a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure. Please warn the provider if you have a history of fainting
- Bring your questions!
Sculptra Post-Care
- Redness, bruising, swelling is normal
- Massage area injected 5 times a day for 5 minutes for 5 days
- Bruising and swelling is to be expected in the first two weeks it will take 4-6 weeks for the product to completely integrate.
- Apply ice first 24-48 hours
- Avoid exercise for 48 hours Longer if bruising/swelling is intense
- Avoid saunas, spicy/ salty foods (anything that makes you swell naturally can prolong healing time)
- Avoid blood thinners for 3-5 days after (aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oils, alcohol for 3-5 days after)
- Tylenol is ok for pain if needed
- Take Arnica (herbal supplement) and or eat pineapple
- No makeup in the areas treated for 24 hours
- Wait 4 weeks before getting a facial
- Wait 6-8 weeks to schedule another appointment if you’d like to add more filler
- If you do happen to do any of the above and notice increase in swelling after the initial swelling continue to ice, take arnica and eat pineapple. You may also take a Benadryl or Claritin.
- Call the clinic if experiencing extreme pain, vision issues, fevers, bruising that has an unusual pattern, or blanching of skin(white or paler than normal skin tone).
Laser Hair Removal Pre-Care
- Hair preparation: Discontinue waxing, tweezing or plucking 3 weeks prior to treatment. Shaving is required 2 days before treatment, as small 2-3 mm stubble of hair MUST be present for the treatment to be effective.
- Sun Exposure: Refrain from prolonged sun exposure, tanning or spray tanning for at least two weeks leading up to your appointment.
- Skincare: Discontinue the use of retinoids, glycolic acids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and other active skincare ingredients one week prior to your scheduled treatment.
- Medical History: If you have any history of cold sores, please let us know as soon as possible so we may prescribe Valtrex for you to take prior and after your procedure.
On the Day of Your Appointment:
- Skin Preparation: Remove any sunless tanner, makeup, tinted sunscreen, regular sunscreen, or moisturizers from the treated area. Residues from these products can interfere with laser energy absorption and may cause discomfort.
- Facial Piercings: Kindly remove any facial piercings before your appointment.
Laser Hair Removal Post-Care
- Downtime: Following the Aerolase treatment, some patients may experience minor side effects. These can include temporary redness, slight swelling, or a warm sensation. Should redness occur, it typically resolves within a few hours. The procedure has minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities afterward.
- Sun Protection: It’s important to shield the treated area from direct sunlight and consistently apply a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Avoid prolonged sun exposure or tanning beds for at least one week post-treatment to protect your skin’s health and the longevity of the results.
- Skincare: Integrating a medical-grade skincare routine can enhance and maximize the results of your treatment. Start your products like retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or scrubs 48-72 hours post treatment. We recommend JASI SKIN VITAMIN CE GREEN TEA RADIANCE SERUM ( 20% vitamin C), RESURFACE RX (retinol) and CRYSTAL CLEAR MINERAL SPF. These products help protect the skin from sun damage but also stimulates collagen production and encourages cellular turnover.
- Treatment Schedule: For optimal results, follow the recommended treatment schedule of sessions every 4 weeks. Continue a regiment of shaving through your course of treatments, 2 days before each treatment session, to ensure any remaining follicles are present at treatment.
Microneedling Pre-Care
- Makeup: Remove any sunless tanner, makeup, tinted sunscreen, regular sunscreen, or moisturizers from the treated area.
- Skin Condition: Ensure you don’t have any active breakouts.
- Sun Exposure: Avoid sun exposure or sunburns for at least 24 hours prior to treatment.
- Skincare Products: Discontinue the use of retinoids, glycolic acids, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and other active skincare ingredients 5-7 days prior to your scheduled treatment.
- Dermal Fillers: Do not have any dermal fillers placed in the last 6 weeks. Schedule your dermal filler appointment 2 weeks after the microneedling session.
- Nutrition: To decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment, have a recent meal, including food and drink, before your procedure.
- Medical History: Please inform the provider if you have a history of fainting.
Microneedling Post-Care
- Downtime: Immediately after your treatment, you may look as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn. Your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual or slightly swollen. All of this is normal and should subside after 1-2 hours, typically diminishing within 24 hours. Slight redness may persist after 24 hours. Dryness, flaky skin, tightness, and peeling are all normal. Peeling typically starts on the 3rd day and can last for about 5 days. Downtime is about 5 days but plan at least 2 weeks before an important event.
- Skincare first 24 hours: Only use the gel we provided or JASI SKIN Recovery Serum during the first 24 hours.
- Skincare after 48 hours: After 24 hours, you may use a gentle cleanser and a gentle moisturizer like JASI SKIN Hydraglow Moisturizer. Apply sunscreen such as Crystal Clear Mineral SPF. Do not use any active ingredients at this time.
- Activities: Avoid sweaty exercise, strenuous activity, and sun exposure for 3 days after treatment.
- Hygiene: Keep your face as clean as possible for the first 48 hours (clean hands, clean pillowcase, keep hair off your face).
- Skincare one week post treatment: Integrating a medical-grade skincare routine will enhance and maximize the results. Start your retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or scrubs to face one week post-treatment. We recommend JASI SKIN Vitamin CE Green Tea Radiance Serum (20% vitamin C), Resurface RX (retinol), Microderm Scrub (glycolic scrub), and Crystal Clear Mineral SPF. These products not only help protect the skin from sun damage but also stimulate collagen production and encourage cellular turnover.
- Makeup: Makeup may be applied after 48 hours, once the channels have closed.
- Treatment Schedule: For optimal results, follow the recommended treatment schedule of sessions every 4- 6 weeks.
PRF + EZ GEL Pre-Care
7 days before:
- Diet: Eat clean. Avoid red meats and fatty foods as they can lead to poorer quality PRF outcomes.
- Avoid Certain Medications and Supplements: – Avoid NSAIDs (e.g., Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naprosyn, Aspirin) starting at least 7 days before treatment. Tylenol is okay.
- Do not stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner. – Avoid herbal supplements and vitamins, including Gingko, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, Curcumin, Omega 3, Turmeric, Biloba, and other anti-inflammatory supplements.
- Avoid systemic steroids (e.g., prednisone, dexamethasone).
3 days before:
- Hydrate! Drink at least 64 oz of water daily, starting the hydration process 3 days before treatment. The effectiveness of this treatment greatly depends on your hydration level.
- Limit Caffeine: Avoid caffeine 24 hours before your appointment. If you are a heavy consumer, stop consuming caffeine 3 days before your appointment.
- Avoid Alcohol and Smoking Marijuana: Refrain from consuming alcohol and marijuana 24 hours before your appointment.
- Discontinue Certain Skincare Products: Stop using Retin A/Tretinoin, retinol, or exfoliating acids 3 days prior to treatment.
Day of treatment:
- Drink plenty of water.
- Nutrition: Ensure you eat a proper meal to help reduce the likelihood of feeling lightheaded. Additionally, inform your provider if you have a history of lightheadedness or fainting.
- No Exercise: Avoid working out the morning because it increases the chance of bruising.
PRF + EZ GEL Post-Care
- Downtime: Swelling and bruising can occur and typically lasts up to 2 weeks. Treatment areas may appear asymmetrical for up to 2 weeks post-treatment, which is normal.
- Arnica: Apply arnica gel and take arnica herbal supplements to help with bruising and speed up healing time. Apply the gel twice daily for the first 3 days, then once daily or as needed for 1 week.
- No Exercise: Avoid exercise for 48 hours following treatment to minimize swelling and promote faster healing.
- Avoid Heat Exposure: Refrain from hot baths, saunas, steam rooms, and heat-inducing activities for 3 days post-treatment to reduce swelling and aid in healing.
- Apply Ice: Apply ice to the treatment area for the first 72 hours to reduce swelling.
- Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours after treatment.
- No Massage: Do not massage the treatment area. It may feel firm immediately following your treatment, which is normal.
- Sleeping: We recommend sleeping on your back with your head elevated for the first few nights following treatment.
Continued Avoidance: Continue to avoid the following for 1 week post-treatment:
- Retin A/Tretinoin or products containing retinol.
- Avoid NSAIDs (e.g., Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naprosyn, Aspirin). Tylenol is acceptable for pain relief, but do not stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner.
- Avoid supplements such as Gingko, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, Curcumin, Omega 3, Turmeric, Biloba and other anti-inflammatory supplements.
- Avoid systemic steroids (e.g., prednisone, dexamethasone).
PRF Hair Pre-Care
7 days before:
- Diet: Eat clean. Avoid red meats and fatty foods as they can lead to poorer quality PRF outcomes.
- Avoid Certain Medications and Supplements: – Avoid NSAIDs (e.g., Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naprosyn, Aspirin) starting at least 7 days before treatment. Tylenol is okay.
- Do not stop taking any prescribed anticoagulants unless cleared by your prescribing practitioner.
- Avoid herbal supplements and vitamins, including Gingko, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, Curcumin, Omega 3, Turmeric, Biloba, and other anti-inflammatory supplements.
- Avoid systemic steroids (e.g., prednisone, dexamethasone).
Hair Coloring: You may color your hair a week before your treatment.
3 days before:
- Hydrate! Drink at least 64 oz of water daily, starting the hydration process 3 days before treatment. The effectiveness of this treatment greatly depends on your hydration level.
- Limit Caffeine: Avoid caffeine 24 hours before your appointment. If you are a heavy consumer, stop consuming caffeine 3 days before your appointment.
- Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Refrain from consuming alcohol and smoking marijuana 24 hours before your appointment.
Day of treatment:
- Drink plenty of water.
- Nutrition: Ensure you eat a proper meal to help reduce the likelihood of feeling lightheaded. Additionally, inform your provider if you have a history of lightheadedness or fainting.
- No Exercise: Avoid working out in the morning because it increases the chance of bruising.
- Clean Hair: Wash your hair and scalp on the day of treatment and arrive with no hair products, such as hairspray, dry shampoo or gel.
PRF Hair Post-Care
First 24 Hours:
- Avoid Washing: Do not wash your hair or allow direct shower pressure on your scalp for the first 24 hours.
After 24 Hours:
- Gentle Washing: You may gently wash your hair after the initial 24 hours.
First 3 Days:
- Avoid Hair Accessories: Do not wear hats, headbands, or ponytails.
- Hair Treatments: Refrain from using Minoxidil (Formula 82M, Rogaine®), hair coloring, straightening, styling (e.g., blow drying), and chemical processing.
- Physical Activity: Avoid swimming and strenuous exercise.
- Temperature Exposure: Do not expose yourself to extreme hot or cold temperatures.